Weaver’s Deep Thoughts
A newsletter of deep thoughts and short stories.
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Don't Provide Someone a Defense
As I get older I've been trying to let go of building someone's defense for them.
Daybreak: Thinking Beyond Personal Beliefs in Elections 🗳️
Voting for others — not for one’s own self interests at the expense of others’ rights. An extremely timely piece especially considering the racist rhetoric from Trump’s rally at Madison Square Garden yesterday.
Bad Karma: Be Good to Each Other
February has been a long month for trans folks. Anti-trans rhetoric seems to be getting worse. Don’t be a dick.
Young Hearts Run Free: Friends, the Found Family
In this edition, we're going to deep dive into friendships. I say we, because I have special guest thinker, author Anya K. Jordan along for the ride. But first… a milestone.
You Don’t Know how it Feels to be Me
On a kid’s right to privacy and my time spent in the library as a child.