My birthday fundraiser for The Trevor Project


Because no young person should have to suffer with suicidal thoughts.

grayscale photo of man wearing black shirt

Off and on for the past several years, I've run fundraisers in October for The Trevor Project. Why October? Because my birthday is October 12th. Why The Trevor Project? Because they do a lot of work trying to help trans youth who may be suicidal. As someone who almost took their own life at 18, it's important to me. No young person should have to suffer with suicidal thoughts. Consider following the link and dropping a little something. ✌️

In my March newsletter I had an encouraging note for LGBTQ young folks. I’m gonna say it again for the people in the back.

Be you. Live. Live like hell. Embrace who you are, learn who you are. And while I recognize you might be in a situation that is unhealthy and maybe even dangerous, I urge you to stay strong. I grew up in a rough environment, there was regular abuse. And while that sucked, putting it mildly, and I still cope with the traumas, I want you to know that once I moved out into adulthood that I was able to set off on a path I wanted and believed in. Someday, you will have that moment too. And when you step out, step big. Set your own rules. Be you. Live. Live like hell. 

So, if you have some time and a little cash to spare, consider dropping something this October.

Be good to each other.


Be weird and give each other a story to tell


What it's Like - RE: "FREE is killing indie. (An urgent warning)"