Stevie’s Shorts (video)


A comedy video today. When I was in my young adult years, I worked with a group on a bunch of indie films and videos. Sometimes we'd get together at our place to just read some scenes or short films we'd been working on. On one of these nights, we read a short screenplay I'd written called "Stevie's Shorts: Stevie Goes on a Date." The two actors who read it were hilarious and we ended up slapping it together over a couple of days.

The audio is rough as we filmed in a Chinese restaurant while it was still open. It was intended as an experiment, so it's rough. My long-term goal was to a do a series of "Stevie's Shorts" films that would have him going through various scenarios in high school. Carrie being madly in love with him and him being too dense to notice.

Here's a clip:


Bad Karma: Be Good to Each Other


"Introverts?" - a rebuttal