
Thoughts. Some in shallow water, some in the deep end of the pool. A monthly newsletter and blog.

Weaver's Deep Thoughts originated on Google+ as a hashtag I would use to post either genuinely deep or sarcastic thoughts. After G+ shut down, RIP, I took the hashtag with me to other social networks. Over the years, I began to realize it was a way for me to have a voice both humorous and serious. Towards the end of 2022, as I left Twitter for Elon reasons, I began to reevaluate how I wanted to move forward with my social endeavors. That's when I decided to go all in on Weaver's Deep Thoughts as a newsletter.

I have lots of neat ideas for this iteration of Weaver's Deep Thoughts, some of which involve collaboration with others. Please subscribe to the newsletter, which will be released monthly.

Thoughts to ponder: writing, reading, social media, LGBTQ issues, and more.

For now, let's hop into the pool, shall we?


Nat Weaver

PS — None of the newsletter or fiction is written by AI.


Editor, Head Writer

Nat Weaver


(In alphabetical order)

Anya K. Jordan —

Di Cleverly —

Vincent Marshall —

  • Coming soon…

Have deep thoughts of your own? Same.

If you are interested in writing for Weaver’s Deep Thoughts, I’ve got good news, because Submissions are now a thing.